TSCS PODCAST 15: Continuing to Belong

15 | Continuing to Belong

In this podcast we are talking big ideas, actual and actionable takeaways, and lots of fun with the camp community and professionals!

This episode brings together Allison Krabill, Alice Hospitel, Melk Kowalkowski, and Mike O'Brien to talk teen programs at camp! They discuss different ways to make older campers feel like they belong, how to incorporate leadership in the sessions, and so much more. If you’re looking for great ways to level up your teen programs, this is the podcast for you.

Producer EmJ’s takeaways:

  1. Your CITs don’t have to be your staff later.

  2. Not everyone is going to fit the traditional camp counselor role— maybe we shouldn’t be asking that of all our CITs!

  3. Someone can change so much in a year. That’s a large percent of a young person’s life!


Take a look at Instagram and see if a TSCS Team Member is there! We’ve got a crew at Nationals this week!


Check out his blog, “Better Bedtimes: How Being A Parent Changed Our Nights At Camp”

Mike O’brien

Mike O’Brien is the Camp Coordinator at Camp AJ. I’m passionate about camper choice, trying new ideas and learning from them, and always remembering that camp is equally impactful and ridiculous. I see camp as something so much bigger that the programs we offer – it’s a place of belonging for kids year-round. In my free time I like to read, trying new hobbies but rarely sticking with them, playing with my two kids, and spending as much time in the woods as I can. Check out his playlist for our last retreat.

To get in contact, email mobrien@chrisapp.org

MELK Kowalkowski

Melk Kowalkowski is the Summer Camp Director at YMCA Camp Willson. She started her career in camping in 2004 after spending years moving up the ranks from camper to LIT to CIT. She has lead High School programs as both a seasonal staff member and full time high school leadership director. When not CONSTANTLY thinking about camp, Melk can be found running or training for ultra endurance obstacle course races, trying to find the perfect copy cat recipe for Gideons Bakehouse cookies, or going on adventures with friends and family. 

To get in contact, email melk.kowalkowski@ymcacolumbus.org

ALICE hospitel

Alice Hospitel, the Director of Member Success at The Summer Camp Society, is the world's best connector. Okay, that's what Jack says. They are classically trained in fine arts, play a mean zombie at camp, and run the Stomping Ground CIT program. 

More than anything, Alice thinks way outside the box while somehow building authentic relationships with everyone they meet. Want to know more, check out this video!

To get in contact, email alice@thesummercampsociety.com

Allison krabill

Allison Krabill first chanted the camp name to light the magic campfire at age 6 and quickly became that one kid that never stops talking about camp. At 28, she became one of the youngest YMCA executive directors in the country as she led YMCA Camp Immokalee through doubling the budget, master planning, board restructuring, capital improvements, and more. She loves being a camp director to camp directors through TSCS and will never turn down a game of a Gaga.

To get in contact, email allison@thesummercampsociety.com

The Summer Camp Society Podcast is edited and produced by EmJ Juszczyk.


TSCS PODCAST 16: 80% Connection, 20% Content


Diversity Training Part 2