A TSCS Interview: Meet Meghan McCarthy By Anna Hopkins
Meet Meghan, the awesome Director of Programming at Catholic Youth Camp in Minnesota. Since her relationship with CYC began when she was a camper, she has filled many roles from counselor to camp “elf” to her current role as Director of Programming.
I really enjoyed chatting up Summer Camp Society member Meghan on the phone and hearing all about her camp and her passions. As a camp director myself, it’s such fun to meet other directors—every time I do, I’m more and more impressed with their thoughtfulness, kindness, and creative ideas. Meghan was no exception!
One of the first things I learned about Meghan is how much she enjoys connecting with campers and staff at Catholic Youth Camp. Even with her new leadership role, she is careful to prioritize little moments and connections with youth at camp. Her favorite times of day at CYC are during “camp store breaks.” Campers have free time and play Gaga Ball, eat snacks, or just hang out. Meghan likes to walk around camp with a boom box and play music for kids.
Connections with campers are at the forefront for Meghan. She loves being the camp “elf” who responds to letters from campers, and she is confident in camp’s ability to help shape the next generation of leaders. Perhaps this came from her early experience at camp? Like so many of us who were campers, Meghan experienced homesickness her first time away from home and remembers the counselors who were so kind and welcoming. It seems like Meghan has become that welcoming presence at CYC, making campers feel hopeful and encouraged through conversations about home, prayer, and growing up.
Meghan seems to walk the line between being an out-and-about programming director while also doing important work in the camp office. During this last winter, she led Catholic Youth Camp to be involved in a fun local fundraising “competition” against another local non-profit. The entire community came out in force, raising over $46,000 to support CYC and its camperships. Because most contributions were small, it took a huge number of CYC supporters to reach this amazing fundraising achievement. What an awesome way to bring camp community members together and help promote the mission of CYC—non-profit camps, take note of Meghan’s great idea!
After just a brief phone chat with Meghan, I’m left wanting to hang out with her during during camp store breaks. Only 8 months until summer, when she pulls out the boom box again!

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