Seasonal Staff Award Winners

In July, our team put out a call for Seasonal Staff Award nominations. We received more than 150 nominations. They were INCREDIBLE. We managed to narrow each category down to four finalists, and a panel of 10 judges helped us select the winners. Read the winners’ nominations below!



“Fawkes developed a health and safety checklist to record all health and safety concerns around camp that has helped me be more organized and aware of the areas of camp that really need our attention. Fawkes is a fierce advocate for health and safety in the kitchen and all around camp and is not afraid to keep at it with myself and the Executive Director. Fawkes also takes on projects around camp that just make it a little better, replacing the mailbox, cutting the brush around our signs, fixing up an old bike that can be used by leadership team to get around site more quickly, all while making incredible food that is nutrious, flavourful and has little extras to make the menu more exciting for staff. Fawkes also shows care for our campers and staff with special dietary requirements by making special meals that are truly special and often putting a little extra flair into the meal knowing that those with special diets often get really sad alternate options.”



“Anna has a gift for working with children of all needs. While many counselors will shy away from the campers that are "hard" or "have behavior issues," Anna actively asks to work with these campers. She has shown time and time again that her mix of patience, caring nature, and gentle guidance sets up so many campers for success. One example includes a camper last year that had been coming week after week for day camp, and had been sent home early at least once every week. The week that Anna was her counselor, this camper worked through her emotions in a healthier way and managed to stay at Camp all week! The father of this particular camper shared with us that this was the first time she had not been dismissed early from ANY program she had taken part in. The best thing is - this camper attended Camp again this summer and had continued her growth that stemmed from Anna last year and had another amazing week at Camp!”



“Jory became the new camp director at Camp Gallahue this summer, which is our main resident camp. The last few years at this camp, things have been a little rough for our campers and staff. When Jory was asked to take over and see what she could do, she jumped in feet first. Staff morale was up so high this year (and many have already committed to coming back next summer), girls were happy, and we have been flooded with email compliments from parents left and right. From building staff morale to cleaning up camp itself to the food to the check-in/check out process to the every day schedules of activities to caring for our horses, Jory really took a deep look into improving EVERY aspect of camp. She championed for her staff because she knew if the staff was happy, then everyone else would follow. She really cares for every girl, and it showed in her actions every single day. Program activities were up, and every Girl Scout left camp having earned 2 badges they might not have been able to earn on their own. We are so excited to see this camp continue to grow and for Camp Gallahue to come back to life for many more generations of girls to come!”



“Dara came back to camp as the ONLY returning volunteer slated to be one of our unit leaders (leading a cabin). At arrival, 2 of her 3 campers did not show, so we moved the one camper into another cabin leaving her a unit leader with no cabin. Dara took this opportunity to be the unit leader for all the other unit leaders, offering support and sharing her experience with all of the new volunteers. She truly showed leadership beyond what was expected of her and was always taking initiative to help make camp the best it could be - from bringing back old fan-favorite traditions, to supporting with challenging camper behaviors. She served as an incredible role model for all of our volunteers that were new to camp and set the tone for what it means to give your all to the camp week!”



“Beth has always been a wonderful volunteer at Pilgrim Lodge, but her support as chaplain of Camp Pride this summer was truly incredible. Camp Pride is an interfaith session for LGBTQ youth at Pilgrim Lodge, owned by the Maine Conference United Church of Christ. Because many LGBTQ youth have been harmed by Christianity, being the chaplain for such a session can be particularly intense. Beth worked with campers and counseling staff to lead twice-daily Sacred gatherings that were meaningful to campers. She also took a leadership in helping counselors facilitate Family Faith Group time, where campers explore questions of spirituality and bond as a small group. Throughout the week, Beth supported campers and staff with hugs, snacks, wise words, and quick problem solving. While Beth's actions may sound like more of a fit for the "Camp Advocate" award, I truly believe she is worthy of the "JEDI Champion" because of the ways that her spiritual support allows the justice-oriented aspects of this camp to thrive. The focus of Camp Pride is creating a safe space for queer and trans youth. Many campers and counselors arrive at camp burnt out from their work in trying to make the world better for LGBTQ folks. Beth's exceptional chaplaincy skills create a safe camp space and allow for campers and counselors to leave feeling nourished for the justice journey ahead.”



“First, Gabby saved one of our CIT's lives this summer. They were isolated together during our COVID outbreak and the CIT choked on a chicken nugget. Gabby was first aid and CPR certified and she successfully performed the heimlich maneuver and he was able to breath again. That one very clutch incident was part of a larger way that Gabby really held down our isolation lodge during our first ever COVID outbreak at camp this summer. She supported campers as they waited for pick-up, and was the main game master when our entire camp lost power for three days, and the isolation lodge suddenly quite literally had nothing to do. And outside of these very practical ways that Gabby saved lives this summer, she is, generally speaking, a lifesaver at camp. She has a dry sense of humor, steady leadership personality with campers, and sets a great tone. She supports other staff members and doesn't hold back when a critical eye is needed to assess a situation realistically. She makes camp a much better place and is a key part of the team who makes camp possible- literally saving lives in the process.”

Thanks again to all of our nominees and nominators! We are amazed at what camps accomplished this summer!


I Believe in Magic


From Post-Camp Reflections to Action Plan: Making It Happen