I Believe in Magic

Mike wrote these beautiful words for his staff closing, and we had to share them. As he told us, “Thought y'all might like it, because it applies to each and every one of you as well. Take all my end-of-summer energy and continue to be the rockstars you are.”

I believe in magic.

I've seen it manifest from thin air a thousand, thousand times this summer.

I've heard it echo across the holler, bubbling with boundless joy, arising simultaneously from nothing, and everything.

I've seen it spray skyward, sparkling diamonds in the sunlight; it drips from the tips of tightly cinched jackets - baptismal waters consecrating the ground upon which it falls.

It is that familiar alluring scent of sweat and smoke spontaneously generated from skin and campfires.

It's there in the sticky sweet flavor of s'mores and snow cones soaked with the syrup that tastes like cherries and childhood.

It's created anew with each reassuring touch - arms and hearts wrapped around a child, a tiny hand slipped into that of one who yesterday was a stranger but today is the safest soul it's ever known.

Because that's the secret of magic, my friends. It isn't whispered words or waving wands.

It's you.

You are the magic.

When you groan groggily out of bed each morning, you manifest magic into being. When you giggle with your group about some silly happenstance, magic bubbles and bursts around you. In the darkness lit by porch lights your words weave worlds of wonder, reassuring weary bodies with wet faces that they are safe and they are loved. It helps you hover above the surface of the water a moment longer than seems possible, inviting others to join you in the leap. It's in quiet conversations, in the acceptance you willingly offer, and the imagined possibility that yes, life really can be like this.

I believe in magic, friends.

Because I believe in you.

Mike is an incredible member of The Summer Camp Society. As a member, Mike has a community to share amazing words like this with, brainstorm with, problem-solve with, and so much more. Mike gets it, and he has people who get it. Learn more about being a member.


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